b'operating Revenue and expensesApril 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022Numbers are in thousands of dollarsRevenue 20222021Ministry funding - current year 72,241 71,807Income from other sources 217 237Gains on sale of assets 0 1,048Total revenue 72,458 73,092ExpensesAdoption costs 879 850Boarding rates 10,821 11,374Building occupancy 4,954 3,914Clients personal needs 880 2,570Employee benefits 9,922 9,424Health and related costs 538 346Miscellaneous 236 495Office administration 275 305Other program costs 270 151Promotional and publicity 65 130Purchased services - client 1,462 1,125Purchased services - non-client 634 575Salaries and wages 39,259 41,117Technology 835 632Training and recruitment 207 223Travel 615 399Amortization - net 1,644 1,383Total expenses 73,496 75,013Expenditure recoveries 1,379 1,842Net expenditures 72,117 73,171Surplus (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures for the year 341 -79Fund balance - beginning of year 7,212 7,291Fund balances - End of year7,553 7,212Full audited financial statements are available upon request. Please call 905-363-6131 ext. 3334.16 Peel Childrens Aid Society'