b'MESSAGE FROM THE CEO& BOARD PRESIDENTIt has been an exciting year at Peel CAS, and we our commitment to reconciliation by includingare delighted to share a snapshot of some of our "Truth & Reconciliation" in its name. This changeachievements. Our role is to support vulnerable reflects our deep commitment to fosteringchildren and youth through innovative partnerships meaningful relationships with our Indigenousand collaborative efforts with our community. This community and amplifying their voices in ouryear, we have continued to invest in early help work. Through ongoing partnerships withand prevention strategies, we are redesigning our Indigenous and ethnocultural partners, wespace in preparation for a Mississauga expansion continue to promote inclusive approaches andof the Safe Centre of Peel, and we have equitable services for all children, youth, andadvocated on the national stage at the Senate of families in Peel.Canada for improved pathways to citizenship forchildren and youth in care. As we continue with our transformation agenda,we are pleased to confirm the completion of allAs the third-largest Childrens Aid Society in recommendations in our Comprehensive ReviewOntario, public education and advocacy are Work Plan. As we envision our future, we havecritical parts of our work. We have raised begun engaging with our community to developawareness of the importance of community a bold new strategic plan. Our goal is to helpsupport for our children and youth, including the children and youth in our community thrive byneed for foster caregivers and our efforts to providing innovative services and supports thatcombat human trafficking. Our subject matter adapt to the evolving needs of families in ourexperts have appeared on numerous media rapidly growing region.outlets to promote the work of Peel CAS andchampioning the needs of children, youth with We are proud of the outstanding achievementslived experience in child welfare.of our team this past year, which could only beaccomplished with the dedication and passionAt Peel CAS, we are guided by the fundamental of our staff, caregivers and volunteers. Manyvalues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and Truth and more exciting developments are on the horizon,Reconciliation. Recently, our DEI branch and we look forward to sharing them with you inunderwent a significant transformation, honouringthe months ahead.M A R Y B E T H M O E L L E N K A M PChief Executive OfficerC A R O L K O T A C K ABoard President'