b'WELCOMING THE SAFE CENTRE OF PEEL TOOUR BUILDINGIn November 2023, the Safe Centre of Peel, a collective of 17 partneragencies who work collaboratively to support survivors of intimate partnerviolence (IPV), announced its intention to co-locate with Peel CAS in ourbuilding at 25 Capston Drive in Mississauga. Our IPV teams have been apart of the Safe Centre for many years at its location in Brampton.Expanding to a second location in Mississauga will increase the SafeCentres capacity to serve more clients and make it easier for individualsexperiencing intimate partner violence to access the support they need.Work is now underway to prepare the second floor of our building tohouse the Safe Centre, while the third floor is converted to workspaces,meeting rooms and collaboration zones for Peel CAS employees whenthey are in the office. We look forward to opening the Safe Centres newlocation later this year. (L-R) D/Sgt. Michael Stone and D/Sgt. Rebecca Miller-Small (Peel Regional Police), ShelinaJeshani (Catholic Family Services Peel-Dufferin), MP Iqra Khalid, MP Ruby Sahota, Mary BethMoellenkamp (Peel CAS), Sharon Mayne (Catholic Family Services Peel-Dufferin), Deputy ChiefsNick Milinovich and Mark Dapat (Peel Regional Police).'