b'A YEAR OF GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATIONIt has truly been a transformative year aton schedule and our workplace restoration Peel CAS.plan is in its final stages. We have launched innovative new serviceWe are so proud of everything we have offerings to better support the children,accomplished over the past 12 months. We youth and families in our community. Ourhave shown this year that, together, we can new Trailblazers Youth Centre is an inspiringachieve great things. None of this would example of a new approach to supportinghave been possible without the collaborative youth success. Our Early Help program isefforts of our staff, Board, volunteers, changing the way we work with families tocaregivers, youth, and community partners. focus on prevention and early intervention.We are deeply grateful to all of you for being We continue to expand our culturallya part of this journey of growth and change competent services through our new SEEAat Peel CAS. program for South-east and East Asian families. Our Child Welfare ImmigrationRead on to learn more about what weve Centre of Excellence is making a nationalbeen up to, and where were headed. We impact through outreach, training, andlook forward to another exciting year ahead.partnerships across Canada.At the same time, our Board of Directors, leadership team, and staff developed aMary Beth Moellenkampdetailed work plan to improve our agencys policies and procedures, and build on ourCEOstrengths to create a positive, rewarding workplace for our staff. Together we are making steady progress. Currently, 82% ofCarol Kotackathe 106 recommendations are completed orBoard President'