b'TRAIlBlAzERS YOuTH CENTREOn August 31, 2022, Peel CAS celebrated the grand opening of its innovative Trailblazers Youth Centre, located on the lower level of Peel CASs Mississauga office. The Trailblazers Youth Centre offers an innovative and equitable service delivery modeldeveloped and led by youthfor children and youth to access exceptional services and supports to thrive, belong, and build life-long connections. Youth representatives have been involved in the centre from its inception, offering guidance and feedback on interior design elements, programming options, and branding. The centre offers an array of opportunities for young people to have fun, develop life skills, build social connections, and access services.Whats in a name?The name Trailblazers Youth Centre was selected as the winning submission from more than 90 names contributed by youth who are or have been involved with Peel CAS. The contributor provided the following rationale to explain her name suggestion:A trailblazer is someone that is not afraid to try Ages served:8+ something new. They pioneer their own path, even if it means taking the path less beaten. Theyre brave, innovative and dont back down. 37 Programs offered As a crown ward, I know all kids in care will appreciate this centre, not just because of what they can do therebut because this centre Registrations: 656 represents the bright, trailblazing future ahead of each and every youth.'