b'CHIlD WElFARE IMMIGRATION CENTRE OF ExCEllENCEThis year marks the fifth anniversary of this Ontario-wide centralized consultation centre, offering Canada-wide training on the intersection of child welfare with unresolved immigration status issues, unmet settlement needs, and border-related issues. Visit CWICE.ca to learn more.659 new referrals - an average of 55 referrals per month.348 people trained at 26 sessions The top three identified reasons for referrals:Immigration inquiries122 service requests for unaccom- Newcomer/settlement panied and separated children needs917 individuals served from 89Cases abroadcountries on 6 continents 57% 11% 10%THANkS TO OuR FOuNDATION.3,000 children, youth and families received 15,000 items of clothing1,200 children 68 educationaland youth received bursaries were awarded gifts and toys for the holidays 650 backpacks were$250,000 raised fully stocked withat signature and school supplies third party events$260,000 300 children enjoyed trips, musicraised through lessons, bikes and activities Holiday Wishes'