b'GETTING EARlY HElp TO THOSE WHO NEED ITThis year Peel CAS launched an Early Helpdifficulties escalate. pilot project, which aligns with a key pillar of the Ontario Governments Child WelfareFamilies engaged via Early Help are more Redesign, focusing on strengtheningreceptive to CAS involvement, and our staff partnerships, prevention, and earlyand community partners have recognized intervention. The goal of Early Help isthe value of this approach. It is our goal to connect families to the communitythat early help and prevention will increase resources and support they need quickly,positive outcomes for the families we serve, without going through the traditionalhelp to address the over-representation investigation process. This allows us toof marginalized groups, and reduce the respond to less severe concerns with anumber of children and youth that come preventative approach before the familysinto our care.326 Early Help cases opened 5 Became protection files'