b'ExpANDING OuR CulTuRAllY COMpETENT SERvICESPeel is one of the most culturally diverse regions in Canada, and we are proud to reflect that diversity in our staff, on our Board, and in our culturally responsive programming. This year we launched SEEA, a wraparound service model for South East and East Asian communities. Developed in partnership with Community Family Services of Ontario and the Newcomer Centre of Peel, SEEA offers parenting and networking support; assistance with settlement, employment, and education services; and facilitating mental health services. SEEA builds upon our existing wraparound service models which serve our Black, South Asian and Arab communities.4 35 Ethno-culturalCultural and wraparound serviceanti-racism models (Akoma,training sessions Saath, Maan, SEEA) to 597 staff and stakeholders154 3PresentationsAffinity groups for to 5,883Black, South Asian, communityand 2SLGBTQ+ members youth'