b'BY THE NuMBERS10,269 7,537Referrals received Families served304 150Homes providing care Children and (incl. kin, foster, adoption,youth in care customary care) (on average)143 45Youth age 18+ supported Languages spoken(on average) (by interpretation)Of our work is done withOur Financials99% children, youth and families2022-2023in their own homes Revenue 75,285,99674% Of clients would refer a friendExpenditures 74,962,509or family to our agency if theySurplus 323,487needed help 3%6%7%Referrals by source16%12%6% PoliceSchool 68%7% Health/mental health44% Salaries, benefits and training10% Parent/self Boarding costCommunityChildren & youth related cost21% organization Building occupancyOther sources (e.g. friend, anonymous) Support servicesFull audited financial statements at PeelCAS.org'