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Kids in a park

Cooking Towards Independence

Feb 27, 2025, 14:35 PM



🌞 We were at CHCH Morning Live on February 27 to showcase one of the programs offered to the children and youth we support through our Trailblazers Youth Centre! Thank you to the incredible crew at CHCH Morning, Tansy Ko and Adam Atkinson for sharing what's up and coming for kids in care at Peel CAS this March Break!

👀 Watch the Full Segment Here!

Programs like these are aimed to teach and build new skills, explore passions and support future growth for those in our care ages 6 to 29 - all made possible with generous contributions from donors through Children's Aid Foundation Ontario, community partners and talented, heartfelt people like Fran Murray 💜

This Cooking Towards Independence Program helps kids in care develop their cooking skills along with food budgeting tools and grocery shopping tips. Many of the participants are currently living with Foster Caregivers or have reached an age of independence where they are learning to support themselves. Learning to cook helps to empower youth to make informed decisions about their well-being while building confidence.

Our goal for the future is to eventually build an in-person program for these youth to further support them on their journey to reach their full potential!

Stay tuned on Instagram @PeelCAS during March Break to see what Fran has cooked-up with the kids! 🍳 😍